Special educator

Writing Difficulty Support

What is Writing Difficulty?

Writing difficulty is commonly referred to as dysgraphia. It is a learning disability that’s characterized by trouble with writing. A neurological disorder, it affects both children and adults. Besides writing words which are difficult to read, those with dysgraphia seem to use incorrect words when they try to communicate.

In addition, children with writing difficulty try to avoid writing. There are several reasons why they avoid writing. These children struggle to organize & use the mechanics of writing. Perhaps, they are slow and incompetent in retrieving the right word to express an idea. They have problem in developing their ideas in writing fluently.

What are the signs and symptoms of dysgraphia / writing difficulty?

If you see such problems in your child for a prolonged period of time, it is important to get him or her assessed for writing difficulty and get the support needed to help him/her overcome the challenge and achieve their personal and academic goals.


How we can help

  • Our members of School Psychology India undergo a systematic approach to help impart skills one step at a time and come up with individualized instruction to address the unique challenges and strengths of each child.
  • If you suspect that your child has a writing disability or difficulty, feel free to book an appointment with us by filling this form or sending an email to care@specialchild.in with your queries and basic information of your child. We will get back to you with a reply mail with information on the first appointment/consultation.
  • During the first consultation which is free, one of our experts will discuss with you about your child and his/her requirements and will decide on whether an assessment is required or not.
  • If assessment is required, the expert will discuss the payment and time involved and then fix a schedule for the first assessment.
  • On the first assessment, we do a comprehensive assessment of your child’s writing difficulty using various time-tested strategies and methods to confirm the presence of the difficulty and to determine its intensity.
  • Based on our assessment and evaluation, a second consultation (free of cost) will be scheduled and the report of the assessment will be discussed with much emphasis on what needs to be done and the parents will be given options which include self-training, IEP support, online coaching, mentoring support and counselling.
  • Based on the parents’ requirement, a coach or mentor is allotted to assist the child with the process.
  • An IEP or Individualized Education Plan for the child will be designed by our special educators. The parent or teacher will be educated / trained on how to use the IEP effectively to train the child.
  • At this juncture too, you can choose whether you want to self-coach or opt for trainer-assisted coaching.
  • Counselling is also an integral part of the process whereby our specialized child counselors offer the right support, guidance, and advice as and when required by the parent, teacher, or the child.
  • All the components of the process including consultation, assessment, evaluation, IEP designing, coaching, training, mentoring, and counselling will take place through the online platform.  We will guide you from the beginning to the end and ensure your child is adequately trained to attain his/her personal and academic goals.

If you see any sign and symptom of writing difficulty in your child, contact us right away.

“Languages Available – English / Hindi / Kanada / Marathi / Urdu / Tamil”

  • Assessment is a gathering of relevant information about an individual’s areas of strengths and challenges to determine whether he or she may have a disability or a disorder or a unique ability.
  • Student writing can be evaluated on five product factors: fluency, content, conventions, syntax, and vocabulary.
  • Writing samples also should be assessed across a variety of purposes for writing to give a complete picture of a student’s writing performance across different text structures and genres.
  • The diagnostic uses of assessment (determining the reasons for writing problems and the student’s instructional needs) are best met by looking at the process of writing, i.e., the steps students go through and strategies they use as they work at writing.
  • Systematic and comprehensive informal writing assessment tools provide you with the ability to diagnose writing difficulties, plan effective writing programs, and monitor progress with your client
  • Tests vary in which writing skills are assessed; however, most target spelling, handwriting, grammar, punctuation, editing, sentence construction, and vocabulary.
  • Email us at care@specialeducator.in or call us at 00 91 97 86 89 00 08 toschedule your first consultation and thereupon an assessment to identify the areas in which your child needs improvement.
  • An IEP will include a list of objectives, secondary objectives, plan to achieve those objectives, interventions, and techniques to reach the set objective and alternatives to support contingencies.
  • An Individualized Education Plan is a planned schedule of instructions for a child to attain certain objectives in a fixed period of time.
  • Assessment is a key component in developing an effective writing instructional program to meet individual needs.
  • The results of assessment highlight specific areas of difficulty, allowing us to create a systematic and individualized therapy program.
  • Although learning to write and teaching writing can sometimes be daunting and overwhelming, it helps to take a step-by-step approach using our individualized therapy program.
  • Email us at care@specialeducator.in or call us at 00 91 97 86 89 00 08 to schedule your first consultation and thereupon an assessment to identify the areas in which your child needs improvement through a well drafted IEP.
  • Children with writing disabilities require lifelong assistance and optimal management strategies differ depending on the child’s age and circumstances.
  • If you choose to self-coach them and our experts will be happy to extend mentoring services which include weekly once interaction about the child’s work based on the IEP.
  • Our mentors will provide you the tips and techniques to get the work done with your child.
  • They will guide you in times of need and will help you work with your child.
  • In mentoring, the experts will not be dealing with the child on a day-to-day basis while there will be scheduled sessions with parents like 2 or 4 sessions in a month.
  • Assessment report and an IEP is needed to avail Mentoring services.
  • Email us at care@specialeducator.in or call us at 00 91 97 86 89 00 08 to schedule your first consultation and thereupon avail our mentoring services.
  • Writing involves juggling many things at the same time: grammar, spelling, letter formation, vocabulary, punctuation, capitalization, content, and following the directions of educators. All these skills must be automatic for writing to be effective.
  • Evidence suggests that mild difficulties will be helped with good teaching and the maturation of the child. However, more severe problems persist into adolescence and beyond if appropriate intervention is not given.
  • Our experts will be able to coach your child online on a day-to-day basis for fixed amount of time through Google Meet or any other video chat platform.
  • Email us at care@specialeducator.in or call us at 00 91 97 86 89 00 08 to schedule your first consultation and thereupon avail our mentoring services.
  • Parents need to be aware of the child’s potential as well the areas where he/she needs that extra push. Also, parents need to understand what academic disorders mean to the child and his/her life.
  • Counselling is a type of service that aims to provide the necessary knowledge, tools, guidance and especially support to parents without bias or judgment.
  • The child needs to be encouraged and his/her ego should be strengthened enough so that the child can understand and manage his/her difficulties.
  • Email us at care@specialeducator.in or call us at 00 91 97 86 89 00 08 to schedule your first consultation and thereupon avail our mentoring services.